Wednesday 10 April 2019

Priyanka Chopra Picks Up And Waves The Bra Thrown By A Fan At The Jonas Brother’s Concert

The recently wedded couple, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have been much in highlights for quite some time. And every time it’s a different and completely new reason. Well, this time it is the love of fans that Nick received from a fan when the lady threw her bra for him as a gift.

The young singer and songwriter Nick Jonas is immensely popular among his fans and especially the ladies. This could also be seen in his dating life as well. Nick Jonas is just 26 years old and has dated quite a few celebrities which include Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus. However, Priyanka Chopra is the lady who is his favorite and also his wife.

In the recent concert organized in Atlanta, a performance by the Jonas Brothers was recorded. Jonas Brothers is the band formed by Nick Jonas and his elder brothers as well, Kevin and Joe and feature them.
No doubt that the young singer and his craze among his fans are increasing incredibly. This can be very well understood from the gift of a bra that Nick received from one of his fans at the concert.

This concert in Atlanta was also the first concert of Priyanka as his wife which she attended. Not to forget it is Priyanka Chopra Jonas we are talking about, who is classy all times. The same has been proved once again at the event.
The beautiful lady herself carried the gift which was a bra and gave it to Nick. The actress was calm when the bra was thrown and instead of losing her temper she surprised everyone again. While she was onto passing the bra to Nick by herself, she did flaunt the love of her husband’s fan that she carried high above her head on stage.

Priyanka later shared some pictures of the successful event on her Instagram account and clearly conveyed how to best deal with your insecurities.

YouTuber Posts A Video Kissing His Own Sister For A Prank And Gets Highly Criticized By Viewers

Some people can do anything to become famous and the YouTuber that we are talking about literally just crossed the limit. The very YouTuber we are talking about posts various videos on his YouTube channel named PrankInvasion where he does some pranks mostly related to kissing other people and this time he has come up with an even creepier plan as he decides to kiss his own sister. And his viewers and subscribers have highly criticized him for the same.

Chris Monroe, the YouTuber who has apparently made people cringe because of his disgusting video is known for doing the kissing pranks. But this was not at all necessary. The video gets creepier as you see it. Though in the beginning, he does mention that Caitlyn, the sister he kisses (gross) is actually his half-sister but that doesn’t make it any less disgusting, to be honest.

In the beginning, he just creeps around her room like a stalker then finally decides to pop the question in front for her. They both sit on the bed, in front of the camera, that’s when Chris asks her if she wants to play a little game for a kiss. She says, “Not really, but I guess I’ll have to” and Chris says, yes you will have to do it for them (pointing at the viewers), they asked for it. But literally, No. One. Ever. Asked. For It.
The very thought of siblings having each other’s tongue down their throat can make anybody’s toes curl. And this YouTuber has made everyone see it. And they have kissed at least three times in the video. After having a look at it you would not even believe that they are doing it for the first time. The video also features Chris saying “It will bond us”. Can you believe this guy? I mean would somebody just teache him the limitations of a sibling bonding? Because who knows what his next step would be.

His viewers and subscribers are totally creeped out after this video and making hateful comments which are definitely obvious. People criticized him saying that nobody literally wanted to see this and how disgusting he is for even doing this on camera. People have also doubted the fact that this was their first time having a kiss together. The viewers also suggested some funny yet nasty predictions for his next video that you wouldn’t really wanna know.

Watch The Video Below (It Could Be Inappropriate For Some Users):

Friday 4 January 2019

This Is How Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas Welcome New Year With A Kiss In Switzerland

New Year is all about parties and having fun with family and friends. Many celebrities traveled to the various part of the world to enjoy the New Year’s Eve. Like all others, actress Priyanka Chopra is also enjoying the New Year with her new family including her husband Nick Jonas, sister in law Sophie Turner, brother in law Joe Jonas, Priyanka’s brother Siddharth Chopra and with many other family members together in Switzerland after celebrating Christmas in England.

Both Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas shared pictures from their vacation in Switzerland. Nick Jonas shared a story on Instagram where he and Priyanka were kissing each other.

In another story shared by Nick, hundreds of people were dancing in an outdoor New Year’s party in Switzerland.

Priyanka also shared a picture of them kissing with the caption, “From mine to yours.. Happy new year everyone! #2019″

Priyanka Chopra also shared a picture on Instagram with the caption,” Found his true love!” But the interesting part was that her caption referred to the roulette set in Nick Jonas’s hand. Seems like the family is having enough fun.

Even earlier, Priyanka Chopra shared a funny picture of herself and Nick in which Nick was pushing out his tongue while Priyanka laughed and captioned it as “Happiness in the mountains”.

Before the vacation in Switzerland, the couple enjoyed a family trip to London to celebrate Christmas. Priyanka also shared pictures from her London trip. And one of them was a family picture which read the caption, “From our family to yours. Merry Christmas”

After tying the knot in December in both Hindu and Christian tradition at Umaid Bhawan, Jodhpur, India, the couple had three wedding receptions. Amidst all that, Priyanka Chopra launched her own dating app in which she is currently investing.

In an interview, Priyanka said, “I love that our wedding was a religious mash-up. We took beautiful traditions that we both grew up with and personalized them in a way that made sense for us. It’s been incredible to find the commonalities between our beliefs and figuring out how to blend them in a respectful and meaningful way.”

Speaking about getting emotional during the Christian ceremony, Nick said,” You know you think your whole life about that moment. Honestly, I could not have imagined it would be as perfect as it was. It was highly emotional.”

The Viral Story Of An Indonesian Man And Beautiful English Girl Who Fell In Love And Married Each Other

Physical appearance is always a huge factor in choosing a life partner. Some fall in love at first sight by just looking at the face and looks of the person. These high beauty standards set by society are causing many to lose self-confidence and self-esteem. The world is somewhat an unsafe place for people with imperfections because discrimination is always there around the world. But in spite of this, one couple that love is not defined by the beauty standards and it is more than what the eyes see. 

The pictures shared by Polly Robinson, the 21-year-old English girl on Facebook became viral after people saw her with a 26-year-old Indonesian man who is a restaurant owner and certified surfing instructor.

Indonesian man Karna Radheya met Polly Robinson, the English girl in Bali in Indonesia in August 2017.

The two saw each other often after that and during Polly’s stay in Indonesia, the two fell in love with each other.

After Polly Robinson went back to her home in Manchester, England, the two kept in touch and were in a long distance relationship.

In order to marry Karna, Polly Robinson converted herself into Islam six months before their wedding. The couple married on December 16,2018 in a traditional Muslim ceremony.

The wedding ceremony was only attended by Karna Radheya’s family and not by the bride’s family. But in spite of that Polly was happy to marry the Indonesian man as according to some reports, Polly’s family had already given her their blessing for the marriage.

Karna and Polly did not let distance break their relationship and the best part was that both decided to take this relationship further by marrying each other.

Robinson said, “My only intention is to make our relationship halal. But since our story has already gone viral, I hope it will be an inspirational tale for netizens.”

Polly Robinson and Karna Radheya’s relationship proves that love knows no boundaries and that love is not defined by the standard of beauty and not even race.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Latest Hacker Prosox Hacked YouTube Videos And Vevo Accounts Of Big Artists

The latest hacker who is targetting the Youtube videos of big artists like Calvin Harris, Drake, Maroon 5 is Prosox. You may have never heard his name before, but this man is not just exploiting the content of the big youtube stars but also changing the name of their youtube videos to ‘Hacked By Prosox’. The basic things that hackers do are to change and exploit the content according to themselves. He has targetted one of the most viewed and viral videos on YouTube like Despacito, Wolves and many more.

Following are some pictures who witness the hacking done by Prosox.

The number of hacked videos is said to be increasing from the last year. New hackers are trying to get the attention by targetting one of the most successful artists and one of the most viewed videos. An interesting fact is Prosox has just hacked the videos of the selected Hollywood stars.

He didn’t just hack the videos with the most views but the videos that went viral on the internet in no time.

Every video he hacked, is labeled “Hacked By Prosox” as you can see in the pictures.

His motives are quite unclear yet and we can’t even predict his next step. Nobody knows anything about Prosox nor anybody has ever heard his name before. An investigation will definitely be done but till now everything is a mystery. The location of the hackers is almost impossible to detect because they always hide their location while hacking the content.

And this man will definitely have strong motives because he has targetted the Hollywood stars and their viral videos.

He hacked all the Vevo accounts of the artists.

Saturday 31 March 2018

12 Things An Adult Will Face If He Or She Has Been A Victim Of Child Abuse

Childhood is the best time in someone’s life. It’s imperative to be careful about your child. To see if they are getting the right environment to grow up in. But what if they are not? A bad childhood can have some consequences on your kid’s adult self. In today’s society, most of the kids are a victim of child abuse. We hardly talk about child abuse and rarely come across any victim of child abuse. But that’s not true. 8 out of 10 kids are a victim of this. As our society fail to understand this grave issue, here are the things that the victim of child abuse face as an adult. And, this is why you should become more concerned.

1. Asking questions

A victim of child abuse asks questions even when things are known to him/her. They are exposed to continuous criticism and that’s why their adult self-has become this self-criticizing.

2. Repeated sorry
One of the things that a victim of child abuse face as an adult is saying sorry for everything and nothing. They have a tendency of self-criticism and that’s why they apologize even when they haven’t done anything wrong.

3. Self-doubt
With the above-said things, isn’t this one obvious? A victim of child abuse goes through too much trauma and their childhood is a total chaos. No wonder their adult self also turns out disturbed.

4. Extremely sensitive
As a victim of child abuse has already seen too many bad things around him/her, by the time they become an adult, they grow way too much sensitive. See how things in your early stage can screw up your adult life.

5. Doubting others
Doubt and these people go hand in hand. With such a terrible childhood, they become really skeptic as an adult. They don’t trust anybody easily.

6. Too much conscious of things
A victim of child abuse finds it hard to trust anything easily. They are always conscious and living under the impression that something might happen.

7. Introvert
Among the other things, a victim of child abuse is introvert by nature. As they find it difficult to trust people, as an adult, they form a cocoon around them and like living in it (not literally).

8. Sensitive to noise
As these people grew up in fear, they become sensitive to loud noises. These things happen because they associate loud noises with yelling.

9. Attachment issues
Among other things, as an adult, these people face attachment issues. They are scared of people abandoning them.

10. Can’t get close to someone
They take time to get close. Physically as well as emotionally. Things just don’t work out for them. This has to be there with the other problems.

11. Can’t take compliments
As these people don’t trust anybody easily, they don’t trust someone’s compliment too. They always doubt the compliments.

12. Self-harming
As these people loathe themselves because of all the abuse they have faced, as an adult, they become self-harming. As they have been a victim of pain, they feel as if they deserve the pain.

Thursday 29 March 2018

This Illustrator Knows How To Play The Strings Of Life In A Beautiful Way

Art is a language in itself. You don’t have to be from a certain place or of a certain age to understand art, it’s something common for all of us. And there are artists around the globe who can leave anyone speechless. Their years of hard work is pretty much evident in the work they do. The same goes for Pokagh illustrator and animator from Ghana. With 125k followers on Instagram, this illustrator is winning everyone’s heart with his beautiful illustrations about life. Each one of his work speaks just one word- Love.

1. This probably is one of the trickiest questions a man can ever come across in his life.

2. The king and queen made for each other.

3. This is what life looks like when you have a family, beautiful.

4. No matter how old you get, love forever remains the same.

5. A man indeed needs a woman in his life to become successful.

6. Now that’s what you call a beautiful illustration.

7. As of now, Pokagh is my favorite illustrator.

8. I can almost hear these two lovebirds speaking.

9. Adorable will be an understatement for this image.

10. This kind of talent is rare and raw.

11. An artist for sure knows how to portray the right emotions.

12. Life will get empty without the person you love.

13. Soul mates, that’s what these two are.

14. An illustrator as such should be trending all over the world.

15. Men all over the world will be able to relate to this one.

16. The right partner in your life can make everything beautiful.

17. I can just imagine the husband’s reaction if this happens in real life.

18. Because pizza is the priority, it has always been.

19. Being away from the person you love for sure can make anyone feel miserable.

20. Just look at Mona Lisa’s expression!